So now that we have a clean slate to work with, let's take a look at what stands before us today...
The Pisces new moon is the second moon of the Rabbit Year, with all planets direct. (The theme for Rabbit Spring: Rabbit casting seeds by the handful - pawful? - into the meadow.) We are invited to plant our seeds and dream out our future goals, yet there is a significant factor to be considered for this lunation: the Polarization that surrounds us at this time.
Pisces is represented by a pair of fish, which can also represent Duality, and Binary systems. These are things which many of us are wanting to work past, and many others are wanting to keep in place. The tension between transmuting versus upholding the status quo is what defines the separate realities that are fighting for dominance at this time. (More to be revealed on this topic!) Add in some Post-Pandemic Stress, and one can see how and why tempers might be a bit short at the moment.
What is being lost in the confusion and chaos is the "I" at the heart of the Polarization; in other words, our Commonality. The last time I checked, we were all human beings. We all want the same things: a roof over our heads, food on the table, good health, and a community to love and be loved in. The rest is window dressing.
As we plant our seeds and dream our goals, take a moment to see how the seeds planted now, with proper care, can yield lots of fruit than can be shared later; how "my" goals can become "our" goals and benefit a greater good, if not the Whole. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to jump in to volunteer with a group that shares your beliefs or join a (counter) protest. (If you feel called to do so, fantastic, and more power to you.) This means maybe you smile instead of frown at people as you walk by, or offer to lend a helping hand to someone who might need a little help. This means as well that maybe you check in with yourself and ask if you could be a little gentler, a little more compassionate, with your inner child or your Shadow Self today.
We are coming off a very turbulent and traumatic time, and we have a bit to go before we're completely in the clear. Many of us are deeply shaken and frazzled, perhaps even dealing with challenges we didn't have in 2019 or so. Now is not the time to let fear dictate how we move forward. Now, let us tap into the strength and courage we discovered we had during the chaos and move forward in, if not love, then at least hope.
Blessed Be, until next time.