
The "Dark Mirror" of the Lunar Eclipse

We are well and truly working our way through deep waters and rip currents now. Mars, Mercury, and the Sun are all in Scorpio, assisting Pluto in bringing up the rest of the Shadow material that it dredged up during its retrograde period through Capricorn. Now we come to the lunar eclipse by the North Node in Taurus, the concluding event of this third suite of cosmic activity.

If you've been reading other astrology posts besides mine, you might have come across the theme of "Revelations" around this time, ranging from the exposure of long-held secrets to that which smells vaguely Apocalyptic. Putting the sensationalist tendencies aside for a moment, I feel that there is indeed a subtle revelation of sorts unfolding for us: the events of this month in general, and this eclipse sandwich in particular, are holding up a Dark Mirror for us to look into, to show us those parts of our Shadows that we have been unaware of at the least, and denying or avoiding at the most.

We are seeing how we have absorbed stories about "The Other" from our natal cultures that we accepted without our conscious knowing or consent. We are seeing the true extent of epigenetics in humanity and its broad implications - passing down traumas, bigotry, and prejudices though many generations - that are warping our society and our selves. We are seeing currents of thought and belief arise in the collective consciousness, and how these currents seem unstoppable and inevitable in bringing forth death and destruction. (Spoiler alert: they're not.) 

We are also seeing what happens when a society decides to kill off the carriers of its conscience and elevate a specific set of traits upon a pedestal, centering a specific type of human as its "ideal" above all others: that of being white, male, cis-hetero, able bodied, neurotypical, and (nominally) Christian. This is a result of the overlapping forces arising from the intersection of the Age of "Enlightenment," the Reformation, and the Burning Times in Western Europe. We are reaping what we have sown, and it is a bitter harvest indeed.

The purpose of seeing our Shadow reflections in the Dark Mirror is not to tell us we are completely FUBAR as a species. Pluto challenges us: Here is what is present in the Underworld. What are you going to do about it? Mars can provide answers, but are those the right answers for each of us? Mercury encourages us to reach out, communicate, and compare notes before acting. Venus in Virgo encourages us to do the things, and do them in a way that nurtures and supports us. Jupiter's amplifying energies are a bit muted with the planet currently in retrograde, but there is still an underlying current of "Yes You Can" available to tap into.

My take: we have chosen to incarnate at this time for a reason, even if that reason is not immediately apparent, even if that reason shifts during our lives. The best gameplan for us now: let the Dark Mirror show us where we are not inclined to Kindness and Love, and weed those parts out of our minds. Seek the truth in all things, which often means shutting off the surface chatter and diving deep. Use Intuition to come up with the best course of Action, and act accordingly, in ways that do not harm us, or bring harm to others. Be Creative in Responding. Make amends as necessary. 

Most importantly, realize and remember we are "imperfect" humans, and we are all navigating these turbulent times with the same goals in mind - peace and harmony in Community. May we all have flashlights to make our way through the darkness and the gloom.


Enter the Vortex with Pluto, Mars, and the (first) Eclipse!

Intense Flux is the descriptor that best suits this moment, and we haven't even reached the eclipse yet! Let's look at the second suite of cosmic movements as we make sure our seatbelts are fastened and our tray tables are in the upright and locked position...

Pluto is staging direct in Capricorn today, and he's been busy in the Underworld of the Collective Unconscious, digging out those skeletons hidden in the back of the closet. To say the results of his excavations are explosive is probably an understatement. Those of us who have any degree of psychic ability and/or sensitivity are feeling, or will soon be feeling, All the Things at Once. Do not skimp on the Self-Care for the rest of this month! Nesting, creating Blanket Forts, spending time out in Nature (as possible) are all indicated. Touch the Earth and Ground the flucuating energies into the Mother. She can handle them.

Tomorrow (10/11), Mars exits Libra and enters Scorpio, trading the bullhorn of the Activist for the cloak and dagger of the Spy. Stealth, precision, and patience are the hallmarks of Mars in Scorpio, and the deep waters of this sign will ensure that the Planet of Action will leave us Shaken and Stirred by the time all is said and done. This will be the time to throw stones into the pond on the sly; take note that even small stones can send out far-reaching ripples.

After Freya's Power Day (aka Friday the 13th), we finally arrive at the Solar Eclipse at the South Node in Libra on the 14th. The energies of Letting Go and Shedding Old Skins will reach their crescendoes at this time. As this is the new moon, and the "top bun" of the eclipse sandwich, we're not going to get a whole lot of room to breathe this weekend, for the Winds of Change are blowing hard - and magick is afoot. Taking things one day at a time and not making grand plans, especially between the eclipses this month, would be wise. 

Next week, Messenger Mercury will be a busy beaver, and we will consider all those activities closer to time as we navigate our way through the turbulence. Until then, stay as safe as you can... <3


Mars is Pumping Up the Volume

We have a fair bit of astrological activity in October, so I'm breaking it down into suites. This post features the summary of the key points in the first suite. If you want a look at the more subtle flavors of this month, check out my Intuitive Reading on YouTube by clicking on the link. Feel free to share, here and there and everywhere! 

And away we go...

Our big player, as I allude to in the title of the post, is Mars in Libra. The Action Planet is stirring up the collective energy as it finishes up its journey through Libra. It will be moving into Scorpio next week, and I will be covering that (along with more cosmic movements) at the appropriate time.

Back to this moment: today, Mars as the Activist is conjoining the South Node, also in Libra. As the South Node is about letting go and concluding, and Libra is about balancing the Scales, we don't need to look too far into current events to see this playing out in real time. Mars is all about swift and decisive, even aggressive, action, and I can see some of you nodding your heads in agreement. Expect more activity along these lines as we move through the week.

But wait, there's more...

Sunday (10/8), Mars is going to square Pluto Retrograde, which is at the tail end of its journey and will be stationing direct next week. Pluto is not quite back at the point where it was when it hit its Return position in the astrological chart of the United States (in February 2022), but if anyone is feeling a bit of deja vu while looking at current events, this is why. 

What Pluto stirred up in its original journey through Capricorn is being stirred up again in its retrograde journey back through Capricorn. Then as now, Pluto challenges us: This is what is coming to the surface. What are you going to do about it? Mars in Libra amplifies this message, and offers some suggestions of its own. Depending on where Mars is in your natal chart, these suggestions will land differently in each of us. Yes, Your Results Will Vary.

Contributing to the overall flow, Mercury is joining Mars in Libra today. Communications may take on an extra aspirational and idealistic flair for a few weeks, with "higher" ideals coming to the forefront and being emphasized. In addition, Venus will be entering Virgo on Sunday, the same day as the Mars/Pluto square. "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways." is the flavor of Venus in Virgo, perhaps providing a bit of structure to contain some of the chaos unleashed from the square, a timely love note to remind us that we're still Lovely and Worthy when the mood of the moment might suggest otherwise.

I'll be back next week to discuss the second suite of cosmic movements, and I'll leave you with the song to go with the earworm suggested by the title of this week's blog. You're welcome. ;-)


Aries Harvest Moon: Measure Twice, Cut Once

Personal Note: I had planned to post about both the New Moon in Virgo and the Autumn Equinox in a more timely fashion, but one of the Omicron Covid variants came calling IRL; it took both "Himself" (my husband) and myself down this time around. This is something of a hybrid post.

The full moon in September is known as the Harvest Moon, as it reaches fullness during Autumn's Harvest Season. The moon reached fullness yesterday in Aries, the same sign that started our Passion Project year with a bang six months ago (with the new moon). Take a moment to consider: what have you harvested/are harvesting from those seeds that you planted in March? For the peeps south of the Equator: what seeds did you save from the harvest six months ago that you're ready to plant now?

Back in the global North, we are in the heart of Harvest Season, having crossed the line of the Equinox last week into the time of shorter days and longer nights. The Equinox also brought us to Mabon, the "Pagan Thanksgiving," as the largest Harvest festival is celebrated traditionally at this time. The name Mabon is a fairly recent invention, as it came about in the unofficial codification of the Wheel of the Year with the inital expansion of Wicca in the 1960s and 1970s. Mabon himself is a demigod figure from Wales and the UK. He was featured in the Arthurian stories of antiquity.

Discernment is the keyword in this moment. We found Divinity in the Details with the New Moon in Virgo, and (ideally) we received our share of Plenty over the Equinox. Aries' Harvest Moon is lighting our way forward, and Mars in Libra steps into the spotlight, suggesting a bold, perhaps even disruptive, direction to proceed in. In Libra, Mars can be seen as the Activist, striving to do the most good for the most people.

Amidst the ten thousand details of life, as we consider the bounty we have brought in, what parts of our bounty can we share with others, to ensure everyone can partake of the Harvest? What do we want to keep as we move into the growing darkness of the year? What is ready to be pruned back, its usefulness come to an end? Is there anything that never really took root that can be offered to the Sacred Compost heap? Consider everything carefully before choosing.

There is still work to be done before the coming of Winter, so now is the time to make hay while the sun still shines. We have some interesting plot twists coming up in October, especially with Pluto stationing direct, a pair of eclipses, and the conclusion of the Harvest Season at Samhain, which is almost always a deep and poignant time. I will be back in a few days with the Intuitive Reading for the month ahead (once I get some personal appointments out of the way), so until next time, stay cozy my friends... :-)


Blue Moon Special! (Full Moon in Pisces)

Blue moons are the second full moon in either an astrological sign or in a calendar month. This is a calendar blue moon. This is also a "Supermoon," meaning the moon is at its closest point to the Earth in its orbit. This is an extra-illuminating moon, bringing that which is normally in darkness into the light.

Saturn is currently in Pisces now and will be present in Pisces until 2025. Saturn in Pisces is bringing form to the formless. Under Saturn's influence, we are able to see our Boundaries, our Containers, more clearly at this time. We can review these Boundaries and Containers to see where (and if) we wish to make changes.

Pisces is also a Water sign, which is tied to Emotion. This might be a time to access Deeper Emotions and process hurts, dramas, or traumas that have been hiding below the surface. This can be a time for bravery in Sharing Vulnerably and Asking for Help and Support. Take that deep breath and reach out, see who else is stepping into the light.

From deep waters, powerful and vivid dreams can also arise. This would be a good time to have that Dream Journal close at hand to write those dreams down before they dissolve in the light of day. What inspiration can be gleaned from our night dreams to apply to our "daytime" visions?

To go along with the words, here are some images: my special reading for today, courtesy of some of my cat friends. (I tried to share the video directly but, alas, the tech remains stubborn. Mercury Retrograde is not helping!) 

I'll be posting the intuitive reading for September in a few days on my YouTube channel. Until then, bask in the light of this Blue Moon. :-)


New Moon in Leo: Dream Bigger, Act Smaller

Late last night/very early this morning, the moon finished its waning and began to wax once more in the sign of Leo, the lion. Lions are mighty beasts. Lions roar and know how to make their presence known. Leo is a fire sign, and one of the things fire signs are known for is boundless enthusiasm. People born with strong Leo aspects in their astrological charts often have big personalities. They love to bask in the glow of sunlight and spotlights and don't usually spend their time just quietly soaking up the rays in the background.

Even though this is a new Leo moon, it's still a beacon of light in the darkness. The internal world is lit up by its subtle-yet-noticeable influence. We've been following the dreams of our Passion Projects this year; the Leo new moon encourages us to Dream Bigger. What can we do to scale up? What can we do to cast a wider net to draw more eyeballs to our online spaces, more attention to our realspace activities? Daydreaming and brainstorming are heartily encouraged - Go Big and Go Bold!

Also, the opposite side of the coin: Big Dreaming doesn't necessarily mean Big Action at this moment. 

Exactly one week from today, two things are going to happen. First, the Sun is going to enter Virgo. We will move from bold strokes to fine details. Second, our friend Mercury will join the Retrograde Parade for three weeks, as the Messenger is wont to do. If things haven't exactly been unfolding according to plan, this is why. When Mercury is retrograde, especially in Virgo, we are encouraged to retrace our steps and move forward slowly, making sure all of our ducks are in a row before we commit.

Additionally - there has been an increase in tension in the Collective Awareness. (No, you haven't been mistaken). At times it feels like the moments just before the start of a significant storm, with the subtle crackling of electricity in the air. Our First Harvest is including a Harvest of Lightning, it seems. How big the storm will be, and where the lightning will ultimately strike, is to be determined. Add this to the lingering feelings of Anxiety and Overwhelm humanity is collectively working through, and the idea of Dreaming Bigger can feel unnecessarily distracting, if not downright daunting.

Here is where Acting Smaller comes in: between the bold strokes and the fine details, can we distill for ourselves one tiny action that is entirely doable? One small movement that will ultimately propel us forward? One prayer, one promise, one goal? As we are under the influence of the Leo new moon for the next day or two, can this be our Window of Opportunity to take that tiny step? Then, in a few days, follow up with another?

Pay attention to the messages coming from your advisors and forecasters for the next few weeks...and on that note, keep an eye out for my Blue Moon Special reading towards the end of the month! Until next time, keep working on those Passion Projects, for the expressions of our passions are very much needed in this time. :-)


Lions & Lammas & Dogs, oh my!

 Apologies for the delay in posting. Last week was super challenging for me,  but I made it through. :-)

In the global North, we have just entered the Harvest Season. Autumn starts earlier in the pagan/Wiccan/witch calendars than it does in the "mundane" calendar, and we transition from the fires of Summer to the cool refreshing waters of Autumn. We were welcomed in by the Aquarius full moon, which probably gave us some opportunities to get out and  schmooze with other people; even if taking advantage of such opportunities was a taller order than we were prepared to meet at that time.

Tomorrow (August 8th) marks the peaking of energies surrounding the Lion's Gate, which features an alignment of the sun (in Leo) with Sirius (the "Dog Star") and Orion's belt. There are various esoteric and metaphysical explanations for what happens here, but what they all boil down to can be summarized as: this is the best day for your Fairy Godmother to grant your wishes. Be bold in your Asks to the Universe. Envision the best harvest ever for you and yours!

We received a preview of our personal Harvests to come for this season on Lammas, the Loaf Mass, on August 1st. This is/was the first of the Harvest festivals, which is traditionally associated with wheat and corn and that which can be baked from these staples. Returning to the pagan/Wiccan/witch traditions, we are also often greeted by a challenge at this time: What do you need to Release in order to Receive your full Harvest? Along this line, sacrifices from the first harvest were often made in order to ensure the subsequent harvests were bountiful and abundant.

To help with guidance through this time of Releasing and Receiving, the Intuitive Reading for this month can be viewed here. I will return later in the month with more, as we have a New Moon in Virgo, new planets joining the Retrograde Parade, and a Blue Moon Special at month's end. In the meantime, may your harvests be bountiful and beneficial!


Venus and Chiron Have Joined the Retrograde Parade

As of last weekend, Venus stationed retrograde in Leo and Chiron (ostensibly Pluto's moon, but might be a planetoid in and of itself) stationed retrograde in Aries. We examine the takeaways from both as we prepare to enter the Harvest Season...

Whereas Venus in Leo is normally Loud and Proud, going retrograde in this sign sees her dialing back the intensity a notch or three. She is "descending into the Underworld" as she does every 18 months. Astronomically, Venus shifts from being regarded as the "Evening Star" to being the "Morning Star" through this period, as she is one of the brightest objects in the night sky. 

As she goes on her "invisible" journey, we can take the opportunity to consider our own loud and proud parts. Are we really trying to signal boost or are we covering up deep discomfort? Are we trying to out-shout quieter, softer voices because we don't want to hear their messages? Are we sharing the spotlight with friends and collaborators or are we trying to hog all the attention for ourselves? If there are some Shadows lurking behind the scenes, the trick is to make the appropriate adjustments, which is where Chiron comes in.

Chiron is found originally in Greek mythology as a centaur who was a great teacher and healer, but who could not heal himself when he was wounded - hence, the archetype of the Wounded Healer. The symbol of Chiron in a given astrological chart looks like a Key, for the specific healing we need stems from the type of wound we are carrying in our Shadow Realms. The Wounded Healer is actually an archetype of strength: having navigated through what wounded her, and learned the lessons from the experience, she is best able to heal others.

Chiron in Aries further customizes the healing experience we need, as Aries is very much about the Individual. Chiron retrograde will hear the softer voices and heed the messages they carry. Chiron will show us where we might be out of alignment and suggest ways to realign. Chiron reveals the Wisdom in the Wound and is willing to share that Wisdom with us to help us heal.

Retrogrades in general help us to Slow Down and Listen Within. With four planets (and a moon) in the Parade now, and some significant retrograde periods to come, we may find forward progress to be challenging at times, particularly as the planets exchange energetic influences with one another and as the seasons on Earth unfold. Adapt, Adjust, and Persevere are our keywords for this time. Let us be inspired to exercise our shapeshifting muscles.

Next week we will be getting Sirius with the full moon in Aquarius coinciding with Lammas, the first of the Harvest festivals. As always, Watch This Space for further transmissions...


The Changing of the (Nodal) Guard and the Cancer New Moon

 A touch later than I would have preferred to post, but I had to get my brain to cooperate first. My apologies.

On the 17th (this past Monday), we had the Cancer new moon along with the Lunar Nodal axis shifting to connect Aries and Libra. More on the nodal shift in a moment.

The Cancer new moon invited us to immerse ourselves in a tub of Love. For those of us on the Passion Project journey, this is a time to see where we can bring more love and compassion into what we are doing in the world, whether we are cultivating our passion projects on the side or working with them directly. We are also encourage to look within and see where WE need that same love and compassion. Does our Inner Child need a little Reparenting? Do we need some TLC from our loved ones? 

Mars entered Virgo earlier this month - on the 10th, if you're keeping score at home - and shows up as The Amazon, complete and whole unto herself. Lean into that gentle yet fierce warrior energy if you feel you need some help in speaking up for yourself and asking for help in fulfilling your needs. Mars will be moving through Virgo until the end of next month, so there is plenty of time and opportunity to access that Amazon vibe.

Now to the Lunar Nodal axis: as the moon orbits the earth, and as both move around the sun, there is a bit of a "wobble" because of the tilt of the earth's axis. The "North" node is the farthest point the moon seems to travel in an "upward" direction, and the "South" node is the farthest point it seems to travel in a "downward" drection. When the moon is present at one of these points, depending on where it is in relation to the sun and the earth, we see an eclipse, either solar  (when the moon is between the sun and the earth) or lunar (when the earth is between the sun and the moon). Take a moment to pause and let that sink in.

The Lunar Nodal axis often appears in astrology as a Dragon spanning the distance between two paired signs, with the North node as the Dragon's head and the South node as the Dragon's tail. The movement of the axis is retrograde (backwards) through the signs of the Zodiac; the axis was connecting Taurus and Scorpio, and is now connecting Aries and Libra. The Dragon's head seeks to feed in Aries as its tail swishes through Libra. The next handful of eclipses will take place in these signs, and their impacts will be discussed at the appropriate times.

You can find where your nodal axis is in your birth chart. If your North node is in Aries and your South node is in Libra, you will be feeling a Nodal Amplification. This often presents itself in your life as a significant and intense boost of energy, especially around the eclipses. On the other hand, if your North node is in Libra and your South node is in Aries, you will be feeling a Nodal Inversion. This energy can dredge up a lot of Shadow material to be addressed and worked with, especially around the eclipses. Either way, you will be best served to check in, see what is coming up for you in this moment, and determine the best course of action, either by yourself or with a trusted facilitator. Heed your instincts!

I will return sooner than later this time (provided my brain cooperates - ha!) with the next planetary bodies to join the Retrograde Parade: Venus and Chiron. Watch this space for the next transmission...


Interdependence and the Separation of Realities

In the United States, today is Independence Day, when we took the first steps to remove ourselves from British rule. Yesterday there was a full moon in Capricorn, and it will look rather full again tonight. This particular lunation, along with Pluto moving back through Capricorn in its retrograde phase, gives me the nudge to share some Information on this particular blog which is relevant now. Take it as Information, or as a Thought Experiment: the choice is yours.

For a few years now, I have made a slight word change for this holiday. Independence is a fine thing to achieve, but I see the path forward as one to where we grow into a state of Interdependence. On this path, we see that we are all interconnected to one another as humans, and we also come to see ourselves as one strand in the great Web of Life on this world. If we knew that we did not act in a vacuum, that our words and actions rippled out and affected other people and our world as a whole, how would we act differently? This is the message behind the concept of the Age of Aquarius: that we are ALL interconnected and interdependent. As John Dunne once observed, No man is an island.

The Age of Aquarius is based upon an astrophysical concept called precession. Because our planet is spinning on its axis at an angle, it traces a large circle around the stars that takes approximately 24,000 years to complete each time. We would observe this as 1) a change in the North Star (which is currently regarded as Polaris) and 2) a shift in the Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable signs of the Zodiac. While the physical shift is still a way off, the energetic shift began in November 2011. The first phase of this shift culminated with the Winter Solstice in 2012, with the second phase culminating at the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction on the Winter Solstice in 2020. I have been advised that the third phase will unfold with the coming Dragon and Snake years (2024-2025). Remember this timeline and the concept of precession, as we will be returning to them later.

The reason this third phase is significant is because it will be a pivotal time in the ascension/evolution of humanity. The choice that is being laid out before us, in the US and elsewhere, is apparent in the Separation of Realities that is currently taking place. 

The idea of the Separation of Realities first blipped on the internet radar in the late 2000s, just before our energetic entry into the Age of Aquarius. My scientific mind could not quite comprehend how reality would split in the way that was being described in the various articles that I saw. Then the seven squares between Pluto and Uranus took place between 2012 and 2015, and all sorts of Shadow material was brought to the surface. Rather than work through the Shadow material to transmute it, many people leaned into the Shadow material instead. Starting in 2016, reality began to separate, bringing us to the situation where we stand today. We have a Fear-of-Others reality coexisting alongside a Love-for-Others reality, and we are being asked to choose which reality we wish to inhabit. (For a more contemporary look at this concept, here is a site to visit.)

Returning to consider Pluto's role in all of this: Pluto's journey through Capricorn showed us where the social fabric is unraveling, and what parts of our social infrastructure needs repairing. Pluto's return (in February 2022) to its original point in the stars, where it was when the United States began to take form all the way back in 1776, brought home the depth and breadth of the current Separation: there are those who are looking forward to co-create a more interdependent future, and there are those who, shall we say, want to party like it's 1799.

When Pluto returns to Aquarius next year, I get the sense that the "Great Housecleaning" will begin in earnest. How easy or how difficult it will be depends on the choice that each of us will be required to make, if we haven't made it already. Between now and then, the call is going out for All Hands to be on deck. This is part of my response to the call; what does yours look like?


Notes for the Week: Mama's Fuzzy Logic & a Clash of Rebels

As Saturn Retrograde in Pisces softens the forms of our dreams and desires around the edges, and Pluto Retograde begins to take care of unfinished business, Mars in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus to kick off the week on the 26th. The Decorated Soldier meets with the Great Disruptor in a likely clash of wills. Each has its own idea about how to get things done, with Mars favoring direct action and Uranus preferring to work "behind the scenes." Forward movement might slow, or even stop, briefly while the square is in effect. 

This is our cue to turn inward and tend to our inner children and/or our loved ones. The Sun entered Cancer with last week's Solstice, bringing forth a wave of nurturing Feminine energy. Mercury will also be entering Cancer on the 26th, bringing a softening and a warmth to our communications. Checking in with friends and family can maintain and strengthen the bonds between us.

As previously mentioned, Neptune will be stationing retrograde on the 30th, adding to the subtle energy of fuzzy logic that is present. Countering that will be the possibility of a breakthrough when Mercury conjoins the Sun later that day. As my guides put it: A previously burned bridge might see the beginning of repair. Look for the opportunity.

July is just around the corner, with American Independence Day and some interesting energies afoot. More will be revealed...


Halfway Home: June 2023

We are still basking in the energies that kicked off this month, when Jupiter made a favorable aspect to the North (Lunar) Node on the 1st, and the full moon lit up in Sagittarius on the 3rd. Many doors of YES opened up before us, and we might have felt more open and free for the first time in a long time. Go ahead and take that deep breath in, because it's been a wild ride for the past few years, and there's the promise of more wildness to come. Right now, we can take the time to stop and smell the roses, or at the very least, take pictures of them...

Venus is entering Leo today, and encouraging us to be bold and flirt in the playful time of the Gemini sun. She will be going retrograde in Leo, and we'll consider what that means closer to time. Right now, perhaps we can shake off a bit of that social rustiness and reconnect with our friends over coffee in person, or make some of those long (and long overdue) phone calls. Reach out and see what happens!

Come the 11th, Pluto will be going back in to Capricorn during its retrograde journey. This might begin to stir up some social unrest, with the tempo steadily increasing until October, when the Sovereign of the Underworld stations direct and begins to "move forward" again. Stay calm and alert and don't believe all of the hyperbole generated from certain agitating parties.

The highlight of the month will come between the 17th and the 21st, when the new moon in Gemini is followed by the Solstice as the sun enters Cancer. This is going to be one of two energetic crescendoes this year, with the other occurring with the opposite Solstice in December. In regards to our unfolding theme of Passion Projects, now is the time for the TED talk or the Powerpoint presentation. We've been playing with how we are going to present ourselves and our passions to the world; this is the time to show off what we've come up with. This might not be the final draft, but we should have a good idea by now of what our main direction is, and be ready for the elevator pitch should we get that opportunity.

The month's highlights would not be complete without mentioning two more planets joining the Retrograde Parade: Saturn begins its retrograde journey on the 17th and is joined by Neptune on the 30th. Taskmaster Saturn has been working on bringing form to the formless in Pisces, which Neptune presides over. When these two planets go retrograde, logic will become fuzzy and the form will soften up a bit. With Pluto already retrograde, be alert for "nightmare visions" wanting to rise to the surface and add to the tension.

Remember: just because we might be able to conceive of the worst case scenario doesn't mean it will come to pass. Follow Venus' lead in reconnecting with our communities, and we will continue to move forward together. 

PS - all this can be tied together with this month's intutive reading, which I have also posted on YouTube. How's that for a well-rounded download? :)


New Moon in Taurus: Time to Begin (Again)

Apologies for the delay. I was finishing up a five-day "retreat" and re-emerging into the world on the 19th, and the re-emergence was much more intense than I had anticipated! I have a free moment to post now, and the vibe is still present. So, Onward!

The Taurus New Moon arrived on the 19th. The energy here is markedly different than the Aries New Moon: where Aries is a jolt of energy perfect for a sprint, Taurus is a time release best suited for a marathon. Projects started with this energy tend to have legs and stability and deliver returns over longer intervals of time. This new moon is a perfect time to begin anew - or begin again.

If we continue the theme of the Passion Project, which we started last month, we zeroed in on a passion project with the new moon and cleared away obstacles around it by the light of the full moon, once the eclipse had passed. Now we commit to implementing our passion project, and consider some of the other Astrology surrounding this moment...

The Sun has moved into Gemini, which sparkles with curiosity. We are encouraged not to jump in to the deep end feet first, but to research, to experiment, to play: how can we best express ourselves in our passion projects? Which is the better foot to put forward to begin the journey?

Action planet Mars has just entered Leo. Here, the image is of the Decorated Warrior, someone recognized for fighting and living to tell the tale. Where Mars in Leo may have good advice, his feathers can get ruffled if he feels that advice is not taken seriously. 

Lingering in the background is Pluto's retrograde journey. Fears and hesitations that might have been missed in our previous investigations might come to the surface, whispering what-ifs at the edge of our awareness. When those whispers become too distracting, leaning into the stability of Taurus and the inquisitiveness of Gemini (Earth and Air signs, respectively) will help calm the fears and return the focus to the present moment. 

Momentum is on our side as well, as we move closer to Litha, the Solstice, in mid-June (the global north's Midsummer Sabbat). If we take a chance to put up our sails, we just might find them filling with the ocean breeze and be sent upon our journey for the (rest of) the year, where the New meets the Now.

An opportunity for the New to meet the Now will be on the first weekend of June, with the Intuitive Oracular Reading for the month! Watch this space for the reveal...


Jupiter in Taurus: All the Good Things

Tomorrow (5/16), Jupiter moves into the sign of Taurus.

Known as the "Greater Benefic," Jupiter serves as the Amplifier in the astrological order of things. Whatever sign it moves though, the traits of that sign become amplified, for better, for worse, and for those truly head-scratching "huh?" moments. Taurus is about material things, creature comforts, and those "bare necessities" that are important on our lives.

When all is flowing, Jupiter brings more of the good stuff into our lives. There is Plenty to Go Around and we have no problems in sharing our bounty. We might even experience an upgrade in the quality of things: getting a much needed and anticipated raise at work, trading in the old clunker for a newer car that actually works, moving from a studio apartment into a cozy two-bedroom townhome, having that organic grocery chain finally open up a store close to we live. In these cases, we can cultivate or refine an Attitude of Gratitude and welcome in the abundance.

On the other hand, when things are stuck and life is more of a challenge, we might feel the forces of Lack and Scarcity more acutely. When the windfall comes, we might be tempted to hold onto it all the tighter, stretch that money out as far as it will go, because we don't think our good fortune will hold out. We might be tempted to feather our own nests and retreat just a bit further into isolation, as the world looks too scary to venture out into right now. 

Jupiter in Taurus can show us where we are the most trusting in our paths of faith and Spirituality and where our faith is wavering. We can give ourselves a little extra TLC in the places that feel the Lack most acutely. We can learn to trust that the flow of abundance is real and true, and though the current will switch down the line (as Jupiter moves through the rest of the Zodiac), the Times of Plenty will return. We can tune in to the ebb and flow of life's rhythms and align ourselves accordingly.

For those of you who are Rabbit people (in the Asian Zodiac), this is your time to shine. Jupiter moves through Taurus once every 12 years, so there is some overlap between these two major astrological systems. Expect your Rabbit fortunes to hit their peak and carry you through the rest of the summer season, and prepare for an especially bountiful Harvest Season. Similar good fortune awaits those who have their Jupiter Return in Taurus as well. :)

PS - Mercury has stationed direct (as of 5/14), so all the flows will start moving in the right direction once more!


FIRST Intuitive Reading: May 2023!

So I managed to record the reading and post it on YouTube - and it posted in three parts. I thought I would be able to post the video of the main reading here directly, but apparently it's too big to upload. Thank you Mercury Retrograde for showing me what I need to work on in the tech department! (LOL)*

So, after a bit of finagling, here is the link to the YT video, which you can watch at your leisure. Hopefully I can get everything straightened out before the start of June. ;)

*I choose to laugh instead of to scream, as laughter is better for the blood pressure, and it will all work out in the end. :)


Merry Month of May: Sparking the Summer

The blessings of Beltane to one and all! :)

This is one of the eight Sabbats of Pagan traditions. It was the start of summer in the Celtic calendar, featuring the kindling of the "Bel Fires" to renew the hearth fire of the home and to purify oneself and one's flocks. With the arrival of stable warm weather, it was an excellent excuse for folks to get out, dance around Maypoles (to invoke fertility for the coming year), jump the fire (for said purification), and pair up and head for the woods to make some whoopie - okay, a lot of whoopie.

In modern practice, most Pagans still treat this day as the start of Summer, and for whoopie-making in many cases. Summer is the season of Fire (as the days in the global north get longer and warmer), Creativity, and Transformation, sometimes of the Radical variety. This is certainly the case as we kick off May with a pair of "sparking" Astro events...

First, Pluto starts its retrograde journey on this very day (May 1st). Unfinished Business is the flavor of this particular retrograde, as Pluto returns to Capricorn for its last big hurrah. Pluto in Capricorn has shown us where our social structures are failing us, and where decay has set in. When it finally stations direct, it will be in the same degree, though not at the exact same point, where it was when the United States was sparked in 1776. Expect the socio-political rhetoric to heat up between now and when it stations direct, roughly mid-October, and to cool slowly through the end of the year. Break out the hip-waders, because we'll need them in a few months!

Second, there's a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th. This is the other end of the Eclipse Sandwich that we were served a few weeks ago. Whereas the focus of the first eclipse was on our Passion Projects, now the focus is on what cutting loose we need to do before our deep dive of Commitment. We articulated our significant desires leading up to this full moon; now we see what we need to Release in order to make room for their fulfillment. As Mercury is still retrograde, this is more of a time of planning and less of a time for action. Come Mercury stationing direct on the 14th, and the Taurus new moon on the 19th, that will be the time to take the first steps in our bold new directions. (More to be revealed around those events as well.)

A final note: my schedule became unexpectedly busy to kick off the week, so the Intuitive Reading for this month will be slightly delayed. It will, however, be up by the Eclipse, so watch this space!


Today's Special: Eclipse Sandwich

Tomorrow (4/19) will be bringing us a significant energetic pulse: a black moon eclipse in Aries. The reason it's called a "black" moon is that it's the second new moon in a month, an Astrological month in this case, as it comes at the end of the sun's trip through Aries. (Black moons relate to new moons as Blue moons relate to full moons.) Eclipses always prooduce Big Energy when they happen; as this will be a solar eclipse, it will be a glimpse into the Shadow realm, which is not often illuminated. We will have the corresponding lunar eclipse in roughly two weeks, and I will discuss more about that then.

As we have a second new moon in a fire sign, and as we're looking into the Shadow, the message that was presented to me to share is: Look at your Passion Project. What is it and what is its status in your life?

When I say "Passion Project," I mean: that thing you've been wanting to do for years, and/or that thing you keep returning to year after year to work on it, a little bit at a time, as your life permits. Can you articulate what your Passion Project is? Have you started it? Are you working on it now? Have you set aside a time to work on it? These are the questions for us to consider during this eclipse "sandwich."

Though we are going to be on the receiving end of a lot of energy from this eclipse, it won't be the time for immediate action and implementation, because Mercury will be going retrograde two days later, on the 21st. Anything started might very well have to be restarted once Mercury stations direct again in a few weeks! Instead, this is an invitation to dive deep into our desires and how they relate to our Passion Projects, and what realignment, if any, needs to take place. We are Measuring Twice to Cut Once, as the axiom goes. The time for concrete action is soon, but not yet.

For those who are (also) highly sensitive to the energetic currents of the cosmos, it will be especially important to take time out in Nature, schedule mid-afternoon siestas and solo playdates, and cue up the meditation music playlists. In order to show up for the world, we must care for ourselves first, and make sure our own cups are full before we share our bounty with others.  Balance yes with no and don't be afraid to sleep on it before you RSVP one way or the other.

In the midst of the eclipse sandwich, we will arrive at Beltane, and I will be back around the end of the month with the next tidbits. Until then, stay safe and stay sane!


Notes from the Pause

The Full Moon in Libra (April 5th) brought with it a pause in the energetic momentum, as we were encouraged to consider where we had become unbalanced in our lives and what we could do to restore some balance. Personally, the Pause kept me offline a bit longer than I had planned, with a flaring of neurological Long Covid symptoms dovetailing with my erratic (but maybe settling down again?) Moontime. We have all felt this slowing down in various ways. The main goal of the shift has been for us to slow down, turn inward, take inventory, and plot our next moves.

This Pause presages a shifting of the overall energetic tone. Coming up on the 19th, we have an Astrological Black Moon (the second new moon in an astrological sign) combined with the first Solar Eclipse of the year at the Dragon's Head (North Node). Two days later, 2023's Retrograde Parade officially kicks off with Mercury going retrograde again on April 21st, followed by Pluto going retrograde at Beltane (May 1st). We will be exploring those events more in depth in the near future - as in, the start of next week. 

Speaking of Beltane, and plotting my next moves: if all goes according to plan, I am going to debut a new shiny thing on this blog as May begins. I am going to be presenting Intuitive Oracle Readings, using one of my decks to help suss out the energetic flow. There will be some Astro tidbits as well, but mainly it will be the cards talking. At the very least, you'll see the spread and my notes on it; at most, an Actual Video will be available for viewing! The Cosmic Energies are inviting me to up my Priestess game, and this is one of the ways I am responding. I do intend to post between now and then, but Watch This Space for new developments starting in May!


New Moon in Aries: Ramming Speed!

It is a heady combination of energies that kicks off the week, with today's Aries New Moon hot on the heels of yesterday's (Spring) Equinox. We might find ourselves getting an unexpected boost of energy in our lives; I myself embarked on some much needed Spring Cleaning today, with more to follow in the days to come!

For some, this energetic surge is exactly what they've been waiting for, and they're ready to take advantage of it. For others, this surge can be irritating, unnerving, and/or anxiety provoking. Indeed, all sorts of things are set to bloom in the world, and not everyone is looking forward to what is emerging. It's okay if everything isn't coming up roses (or tulips or daffodils).

This is a prime time to set intentions, for the season and for the year. This is also a prime time to take inventory of your life and see what is ready to be released to make room for what is to come, what is being anticipated and what is being dreaded, or at least generating feelings of discomfort. When in doubt, exercise self-care.

The momentum will continue to build with the double jolt of Pluto entering Aquarius and Mars entering Cancer within the next week or so. Significant Changes are most definitely afoot, even if the exact contours are still a little fuzzy. Have faith that all is working out for the best and stay in touch with your friends. We get through together. :)


March Likes to Move It (move it)!

We have some important shifts in the skies above us to go along with the energy of the Equinox and the Astro New Year (which starts over with Aries). So let's sample the flavors that are scheduled to unfold...

Full Moon in Virgo: Pay Attention to the Details (March 7th) Since all the planets went direct in January, we have received a big energetic boost to our dreams and goals. Until now, we've been encouraged to envision our futures in big, broad strokes. With the upcoming full moon in Virgo, and the support of the other planetary movements (see below), we are now being encouraged to focus on the details of our dreams, and perhaps even set up some structures to help us reach our goals more efficiently. Dig out all the to-do lists and see what can be crossed off, what can be removed entirely, and what needs to be added. Set your priorities for moving forward with a full moon ritual.

Saturn moves into Pisces: Order Arising from the Void (March 7th) The Grand Taskmaster moves from Aquarius (innovation) into Pisces (dreams and visions). In this mutable sign, Saturn's energy can bring forth form and structure from the formless dream. The full moon in Virgo starts the process off with a bang, inspiring further (re)definition of whatever epiphanies might leap into your awareness. Saturn will be in Pisces for a while, so no worries if your grand vision doesn't receive clarity overnight. If this is your Saturn Return (where Saturn takes up the same position it was in the skies when you were born), you might suddenly see a realisitic way to achieve a long-held and cherished dream - just before your life gets turned inside out and upside down!

Venus moves into Taurus: Re-feather the Nest (March 16th) Venus moves into one of the signs she rules over (the other being Libra). In Taurus, Venus is all about the creature comforts and the delights of home. This would be a good time to throw open the windows and doors and start in on some good old fashioned Spring Cleaning in the Global North. In the Global South, this would be a good time to sort through all the belongings you've acquired thus far to see what still Sparks Joy and pass along what does not, so that everyone can enjoy the fruits of the harvest to come.

Ostara/Equinox: the Heart of the Season (March 21st) As you might have guessed, the flavor of this Sabbat is Dreaming the New into the Now, in both the practical and the speculative realms. This is the time to plant your most important seeds and/or harvest all of the abundance that is coming your way.

Pluto moves (temporarily) into Aquarius: a Preview of the Housecleaning to Come (March 23rd) As ruler of the Underworld, Pluto is really good at revealing what lies beneath the surface and what needs to be worked upon in order to Make Amends and Make Things Right. Pluto in Capricorn has shown us where the systems that support us have become corrupted, and suggested ways to repair the damage. Pluto in Aquarius will show us where our guiding visions for the future have become too narrow and invite us to rethink the way forward to include Authentic Unity in Diversity. Of particular note will be the further shaking up and (hopefully!) subsequent reinvention of what is known as the "New Age" Community. Those who call themselves Lightworkers will have a choice: either commit to Real Change in this reality, with ALL of its joys and pains, or get off the path altogether and find a different way to live. Pluto will step back into Capricorn in a few months to finish up its business there, but will return to Aquarius next year to get down to business. Make notes for future reference!

Mars moves into Cancer: Tough Love from the Fierce Mother (March 25th) Mars is a planet of action and big Warrior energy; Cancer is the deeply Maternal sign of the Zodiac. Combine the two and the Fierce Mother arises, taking no prisoners and accepting no excuses. She exercises Tough Love on her children, occasionally advising us with concise words, occasionally kicking us in the pants, but basically forcing us (as her children) to sink or swim on our own. Being maternal, though, she will have a towel and a validating hug ready for us when we finally do emerge from the waters. Combine this with Pluto moving into Aquarius, and this might come across as the cosmic slap in the face some of us need to come back to our senses and get our acts together! 

Those are the big movements in store for us coming up in March. As always, Your Results May Vary. ;) My other bit of advice is the enjoy the ride on the energetic wave as long as you can.


Overview: New Moon in Pisces

So now that we have a clean slate to work with, let's take a look at what stands before us today... 

The Pisces new moon is the second moon of the Rabbit Year, with all planets direct. (The theme for Rabbit Spring: Rabbit casting seeds by the handful - pawful? - into the meadow.) We are invited to plant our seeds and dream out our future goals, yet there is a significant factor to be considered for this lunation: the Polarization that surrounds us at this time.

Pisces is represented by a pair of fish, which can also represent Duality, and Binary systems. These are things which many of us are wanting to work past, and many others are wanting to keep in place. The tension between transmuting versus upholding the status quo is what defines the separate realities that are fighting for dominance at this time. (More to be revealed on this topic!) Add in some Post-Pandemic Stress, and one can see how and why tempers might be a bit short at the moment.

What is being lost in the confusion and chaos is the "I" at the heart of the Polarization; in other words, our Commonality. The last time I checked, we were all human beings. We all want the same things: a roof over our heads, food on the table, good health, and a community to love and be loved in. The rest is window dressing.

As we plant our seeds and dream our goals, take a moment to see how the seeds planted now, with proper care, can yield lots of fruit than can be shared later; how "my" goals can become "our" goals and benefit a greater good, if not the Whole. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to jump in to volunteer with a group that shares your beliefs or join a (counter) protest. (If you feel called to do so, fantastic, and more power to you.) This means maybe you smile instead of frown at people as you walk by, or offer to lend a helping hand to someone who might need a little help. This means as well that maybe you check in with yourself and ask if you could be a little gentler, a little more compassionate, with your inner child or your Shadow Self today.

We are coming off a very turbulent and traumatic time, and we have a bit to go before we're completely in the clear. Many of us are deeply shaken and frazzled, perhaps even dealing with challenges we didn't have in 2019 or so. Now is not the time to let fear dictate how we move forward. Now, let us tap into the strength and courage we discovered we had during the chaos and move forward in, if not love, then at least hope.

Blessed Be, until next time.


Return to the Wetware (new moon in Pisces)

Greetings to everyone! This cosmic channel is coming back online, and not a moment too soon!

This has been a few months in the making. Much is swirling about between Earth and the Stars. More, we are roughly a year away from the next Pivot Years (2024-2025, the Dragon and Snake years, respectively), and this is shaping up to be, if not THE key moment in humanity's jourrney, one of the Big Key Moments. The call of All Hands on Deck is going out, and I finally find myself in a position to answer the call.

If you're new to this space, welcome. :) While this might look like Yet Another Blog/Missive about the metaphysical state of affairs, I'll tell you why mine is different: I see details in the unfolding events that others either miss or ignore. I put together the puzzle pieces and come up with a slightly diferent picture than others present. Sit and sample, and if this is your cup of tea, stick around. If not, totally no worries, and I wish you well upon your journey.

If you're a returning friend, what took me so long to get off my arse and start posting again can be summed up thusly: my husband's cancer diagnosis in 2016, followed by caregiving for my Alzheimer's stricken mother from 2017-2021. Then "Omicron Prime" paid me a visit January 2022, and I've been dealing with Long Covid ever since.  (Side note: with rare exceptions, this is probably as personal as I'll get in this space.)

My goal at the moment is to post roughly once a week or so, subject to how cranky my brain gets on any given day. I will be posting again tomorrow, because we have reached the New Moon in Pisces, (as highlighted above), and I have a little something to say about that. Until then, Plant Your Seeds!