The timeless knowledge from the Star Nations - the ancient wisdom of the Ancestors - I hear the Mystic Whispers and transcribe them with a Divine Feminist ear.
New Moon in Aries: Ramming Speed!
March Likes to Move It (move it)!
We have some important shifts in the skies above us to go along with the energy of the Equinox and the Astro New Year (which starts over with Aries). So let's sample the flavors that are scheduled to unfold...
Full Moon in Virgo: Pay Attention to the Details (March 7th) Since all the planets went direct in January, we have received a big energetic boost to our dreams and goals. Until now, we've been encouraged to envision our futures in big, broad strokes. With the upcoming full moon in Virgo, and the support of the other planetary movements (see below), we are now being encouraged to focus on the details of our dreams, and perhaps even set up some structures to help us reach our goals more efficiently. Dig out all the to-do lists and see what can be crossed off, what can be removed entirely, and what needs to be added. Set your priorities for moving forward with a full moon ritual.
Saturn moves into Pisces: Order Arising from the Void (March 7th) The Grand Taskmaster moves from Aquarius (innovation) into Pisces (dreams and visions). In this mutable sign, Saturn's energy can bring forth form and structure from the formless dream. The full moon in Virgo starts the process off with a bang, inspiring further (re)definition of whatever epiphanies might leap into your awareness. Saturn will be in Pisces for a while, so no worries if your grand vision doesn't receive clarity overnight. If this is your Saturn Return (where Saturn takes up the same position it was in the skies when you were born), you might suddenly see a realisitic way to achieve a long-held and cherished dream - just before your life gets turned inside out and upside down!
Venus moves into Taurus: Re-feather the Nest (March 16th) Venus moves into one of the signs she rules over (the other being Libra). In Taurus, Venus is all about the creature comforts and the delights of home. This would be a good time to throw open the windows and doors and start in on some good old fashioned Spring Cleaning in the Global North. In the Global South, this would be a good time to sort through all the belongings you've acquired thus far to see what still Sparks Joy and pass along what does not, so that everyone can enjoy the fruits of the harvest to come.
Ostara/Equinox: the Heart of the Season (March 21st) As you might have guessed, the flavor of this Sabbat is Dreaming the New into the Now, in both the practical and the speculative realms. This is the time to plant your most important seeds and/or harvest all of the abundance that is coming your way.
Pluto moves (temporarily) into Aquarius: a Preview of the Housecleaning to Come (March 23rd) As ruler of the Underworld, Pluto is really good at revealing what lies beneath the surface and what needs to be worked upon in order to Make Amends and Make Things Right. Pluto in Capricorn has shown us where the systems that support us have become corrupted, and suggested ways to repair the damage. Pluto in Aquarius will show us where our guiding visions for the future have become too narrow and invite us to rethink the way forward to include Authentic Unity in Diversity. Of particular note will be the further shaking up and (hopefully!) subsequent reinvention of what is known as the "New Age" Community. Those who call themselves Lightworkers will have a choice: either commit to Real Change in this reality, with ALL of its joys and pains, or get off the path altogether and find a different way to live. Pluto will step back into Capricorn in a few months to finish up its business there, but will return to Aquarius next year to get down to business. Make notes for future reference!
Mars moves into Cancer: Tough Love from the Fierce Mother (March 25th) Mars is a planet of action and big Warrior energy; Cancer is the deeply Maternal sign of the Zodiac. Combine the two and the Fierce Mother arises, taking no prisoners and accepting no excuses. She exercises Tough Love on her children, occasionally advising us with concise words, occasionally kicking us in the pants, but basically forcing us (as her children) to sink or swim on our own. Being maternal, though, she will have a towel and a validating hug ready for us when we finally do emerge from the waters. Combine this with Pluto moving into Aquarius, and this might come across as the cosmic slap in the face some of us need to come back to our senses and get our acts together!
Those are the big movements in store for us coming up in March. As always, Your Results May Vary. ;) My other bit of advice is the enjoy the ride on the energetic wave as long as you can.