Blue moons are the second full moon in either an astrological sign or in a calendar month. This is a calendar blue moon. This is also a "Supermoon," meaning the moon is at its closest point to the Earth in its orbit. This is an extra-illuminating moon, bringing that which is normally in darkness into the light.
Saturn is currently in Pisces now and will be present in Pisces until 2025. Saturn in Pisces is bringing form to the formless. Under Saturn's influence, we are able to see our Boundaries, our Containers, more clearly at this time. We can review these Boundaries and Containers to see where (and if) we wish to make changes.
Pisces is also a Water sign, which is tied to Emotion. This might be a time to access Deeper Emotions and process hurts, dramas, or traumas that have been hiding below the surface. This can be a time for bravery in Sharing Vulnerably and Asking for Help and Support. Take that deep breath and reach out, see who else is stepping into the light.
From deep waters, powerful and vivid dreams can also arise. This would be a good time to have that Dream Journal close at hand to write those dreams down before they dissolve in the light of day. What inspiration can be gleaned from our night dreams to apply to our "daytime" visions?
To go along with the words, here are some images: my special reading for today, courtesy of some of my cat friends. (I tried to share the video directly but, alas, the tech remains stubborn. Mercury Retrograde is not helping!)
I'll be posting the intuitive reading for September in a few days on my YouTube channel. Until then, bask in the light of this Blue Moon. :-)