Greetings to all! My apologies for the inadvertent "radio silence" over the last little while. I was sick almost all of December and have been sick for part of this month as well. I seem to be turning a corner at last, so please enjoy this update as I get back to a "normal" posting schedule...
To set the stage: Mars in Capricorn has been a cosmic "CEO," getting things done with precision. Venus will be joining Mars in Capricorn tomorrow to put her own precise spin on our relationships. Mercury stationed direct at the start of the year and communications are now clear and back on track. The Sun moved into Aquarius on Saturday (1/20), bringing a bit of "fresh air" to our Winter coziness.
Just before the Sun moved into Aquarius, Pluto had its cazimi moment, when it appeared to move into the Sun and come out of the cold. Pluto then followed the Sun into Aquarius, taking up the plotlines that were started last year. Before we consider what Pluto might do, let us consider what it did...
With its first foray into Aquarius last year, Artificial Intelligence seemed to leap from the pages of science fiction into the Collective zeitgeist, provoking excitement and dread in equal measure. Then it retrograded back into Capricorn and had perhaps an even bigger impact. I mentioned last year that Pluto would be attending to "unfinished business." While it did not retrograde all the way back to its Return point in the stars (where it last was in 1776, the year the United States was founded), it did return to the same degree in mid-October - and then dug deep into the Collective Unconscious.
As Pluto traveled forward again, a ton of biases, -isms, -phobias, and prejudices erupted into the greater Awareness. If you thought people were less friendly and more snarly, and more ready to show their previously concealed bigotries, you are absolutely correct. With Pluto moving back into Aquarius, this significantly stuck Shadow material has now been dumped into our laps, and we are once again challenged: What are we going to do with this material?
Note that Pluto will be retrograde again in Capricorn September through November this year, as the 2024 American Presidential Election process reaches its peak. This feels like a "pop quiz" for humanity, especially those of us who live in the US of A. The choice we make here just might be one for the ages. As we get closer to time, we'll discuss this, and the other planetary influences which will make this one of the most interesting elections we've had.
Returning to current events: we have a full moon in Leo on Thursday (1/25). This moon will be flamboyant and loud, with the potential to be extra spicy. Expect some hyperbole and "Method Acting" to unfold in the days that follow. Personally, feel free to experiment with adding some va-va-voom! to your life at this time, even if it only goes as far as taking a selfie while wearing the most outrageous outfit in your closet and sharing the pic with your BFF.
Uranus stations direct on Friday, officially bringing an end to the previous year's Retrograde Parade and ushering in what I call the period of Go Time, when all of the planets are "moving forward" in the skies. The energy corresponds with the Quickening of Imbolc, as Winter begins to be thawed by Spring (and Summer begins to cool into Autumn below the Equator). Consider this a "reset button" opportunity if New Year's projects and/or resolutions have stalled out.
This year, Go Time lasts until April 1st, when Mercury has its first full retrograde period of 2024. Before then, we will have the beginning of the Asian Lunar New Year, with the arrival of Dragon energy. Look for a new post around the start of February; in the meantime, to acknowledge the significance of Pluto in Aquarius, here is a bonus reading for your consideration...