There is a significant astrological event happening on the 28th: a double cazimi with both Mercury and Saturn conjoining the Sun on that day. Let's break it down:
Cazimi means "in the heart of." It was once believed that the planets had an interval where they moved into and through the Sun, so they could be fully illuminated and cleansed by the Solar rays. While Mercury has a cazimi moment several times through the year, Saturn's cazimi is annual - and two planets having a cazimi moment on the same day is pretty rare and special.
Mercury is the Communicator, and Saturn is the Taskmaster and Boundary-Keeper. They will both be illuminated at the same time that Jupiter, the Amplifier, is going to be in a favorable position with both planets. Mercury's cazimi is first, then Saturn's, and these two will conjoin with each other in between. All some potentially powerful stuff going down during the season of Pisces, the astrological time when Dreaming and Intuition are strongest.
So...keep that dream journal next to your bedside this week. Be alert for snippets of overheard conversation or unusual animal sightings that might lead to aha! moments of clarity and insight. Cast a reading for yourself with your special method of Divination. Look over those creative projects that have been percolating on the back burner - is there one that's ready to be brought forward and worked upon until it's complete? Are you ready to commit whole-heartedly to something this year?
My intent is to post a special Double Cazimi reading later this week, so Watch This Space for that to arise...