
Cosmic Whitewater Rafting

Personal Note: I was not expecting to be absent for so long, but Chiron (which is a key player in this post) opened a big door of healing for me this past February, and I've been taking extra care of my physical health. It wasn't anything apocalyptic or life-threatening, but some issues were brought to my attention, and I needed to find some solutions. All is on the road of improvement now, so without further ado, here is a look at current conditions...

Aries new moon eclipse! With a Chiron conjunction to the Sun! During Mercury Retrograde! Today (April 8th)! There is indeed a lot going on, so let's put aside the exclamation points and look at some of the details.

First, the solar eclipse at the North Node. When the moon reaches its northernmost point in relation to its orbit around Earth, and the pair's orbit around the sun, the moon will get in between the sun and Earth and appear to "swallow" the sun for a brief time. (When the Earth is between the moon and the sun, we get a lunar eclipse, where the moon can turn a dark shade of ochre, and perhaps disappear briefly from the night sky.) Solar eclipses allow us to see our Shadow Material more clearly, and in the case of an eclipse in Aries, there can be some extra drama in the Grand Reveal.

The Shadows revealed will be extra thanks to Pluto, when it opened up all the "Shadow Closets" last year in its retrograde journey through Capricorn, and we saw where all of the skeletons had been hiding. To our advantage, however, Chiron's conjunction to the sun (its cazimi moment) can give us vital clues about how to transform that stuck and fearful Shadow Material into something if not lighter, at least not as damaging. (I have the reading which discusses this more in depth.)

Mercury Retrograde contributes to the mix by providing a "wait and see" attitude to what rises to the surface following this eclipse. Normally, Aries is not a wait-and-see sign, but this is definitely a case of an Irresistable Force meeting an Immovable Object, both now (with the eclipse proper) and later, when Mars conjoins Saturn this Wednesday (April 10th). The key is to avoid spinning our wheels so much that we do damage to our overall mechanism, so downshifting and dialing back this week are very good ideas. 

Mercury will have its own cazimi on Thursday (April 11th), and if we can arrange to be in the eye of the storm, we might get a few insights and epiphanies as to how we can move forward, especially in our healing journeys. Acting on these insights might not be possible right away, but momentum will begin to build starting on April 20th, when Jupiter conjoins Uranus, then really pick up when Mercury stations direct on April 25th. For the record, Earth Day is on April 22nd, so be open to receiving new insights around addressing urgent climate challenges and healing our homeworld, especially between the 20th and the 25th.

April will end on a positive note, as Venus moves into Taurus on the 29th and invites us to remember the Creature Comforts. Mars will move into Aries on the 30th and shift from the inner dreamscape of the Shaman to the outer world of the Warrior, giving us much needed fuel to put some of our ideas and plans into Action. In this moment, have patience, be extra gentle with the Shadow Material, and dare to dream of kinder, gentler realities. Until next time...