
Enter the Vortex with Pluto, Mars, and the (first) Eclipse!

Intense Flux is the descriptor that best suits this moment, and we haven't even reached the eclipse yet! Let's look at the second suite of cosmic movements as we make sure our seatbelts are fastened and our tray tables are in the upright and locked position...

Pluto is staging direct in Capricorn today, and he's been busy in the Underworld of the Collective Unconscious, digging out those skeletons hidden in the back of the closet. To say the results of his excavations are explosive is probably an understatement. Those of us who have any degree of psychic ability and/or sensitivity are feeling, or will soon be feeling, All the Things at Once. Do not skimp on the Self-Care for the rest of this month! Nesting, creating Blanket Forts, spending time out in Nature (as possible) are all indicated. Touch the Earth and Ground the flucuating energies into the Mother. She can handle them.

Tomorrow (10/11), Mars exits Libra and enters Scorpio, trading the bullhorn of the Activist for the cloak and dagger of the Spy. Stealth, precision, and patience are the hallmarks of Mars in Scorpio, and the deep waters of this sign will ensure that the Planet of Action will leave us Shaken and Stirred by the time all is said and done. This will be the time to throw stones into the pond on the sly; take note that even small stones can send out far-reaching ripples.

After Freya's Power Day (aka Friday the 13th), we finally arrive at the Solar Eclipse at the South Node in Libra on the 14th. The energies of Letting Go and Shedding Old Skins will reach their crescendoes at this time. As this is the new moon, and the "top bun" of the eclipse sandwich, we're not going to get a whole lot of room to breathe this weekend, for the Winds of Change are blowing hard - and magick is afoot. Taking things one day at a time and not making grand plans, especially between the eclipses this month, would be wise. 

Next week, Messenger Mercury will be a busy beaver, and we will consider all those activities closer to time as we navigate our way through the turbulence. Until then, stay as safe as you can... <3

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