
Notes for the Week: Mama's Fuzzy Logic & a Clash of Rebels

As Saturn Retrograde in Pisces softens the forms of our dreams and desires around the edges, and Pluto Retograde begins to take care of unfinished business, Mars in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus to kick off the week on the 26th. The Decorated Soldier meets with the Great Disruptor in a likely clash of wills. Each has its own idea about how to get things done, with Mars favoring direct action and Uranus preferring to work "behind the scenes." Forward movement might slow, or even stop, briefly while the square is in effect. 

This is our cue to turn inward and tend to our inner children and/or our loved ones. The Sun entered Cancer with last week's Solstice, bringing forth a wave of nurturing Feminine energy. Mercury will also be entering Cancer on the 26th, bringing a softening and a warmth to our communications. Checking in with friends and family can maintain and strengthen the bonds between us.

As previously mentioned, Neptune will be stationing retrograde on the 30th, adding to the subtle energy of fuzzy logic that is present. Countering that will be the possibility of a breakthrough when Mercury conjoins the Sun later that day. As my guides put it: A previously burned bridge might see the beginning of repair. Look for the opportunity.

July is just around the corner, with American Independence Day and some interesting energies afoot. More will be revealed...


Halfway Home: June 2023

We are still basking in the energies that kicked off this month, when Jupiter made a favorable aspect to the North (Lunar) Node on the 1st, and the full moon lit up in Sagittarius on the 3rd. Many doors of YES opened up before us, and we might have felt more open and free for the first time in a long time. Go ahead and take that deep breath in, because it's been a wild ride for the past few years, and there's the promise of more wildness to come. Right now, we can take the time to stop and smell the roses, or at the very least, take pictures of them...

Venus is entering Leo today, and encouraging us to be bold and flirt in the playful time of the Gemini sun. She will be going retrograde in Leo, and we'll consider what that means closer to time. Right now, perhaps we can shake off a bit of that social rustiness and reconnect with our friends over coffee in person, or make some of those long (and long overdue) phone calls. Reach out and see what happens!

Come the 11th, Pluto will be going back in to Capricorn during its retrograde journey. This might begin to stir up some social unrest, with the tempo steadily increasing until October, when the Sovereign of the Underworld stations direct and begins to "move forward" again. Stay calm and alert and don't believe all of the hyperbole generated from certain agitating parties.

The highlight of the month will come between the 17th and the 21st, when the new moon in Gemini is followed by the Solstice as the sun enters Cancer. This is going to be one of two energetic crescendoes this year, with the other occurring with the opposite Solstice in December. In regards to our unfolding theme of Passion Projects, now is the time for the TED talk or the Powerpoint presentation. We've been playing with how we are going to present ourselves and our passions to the world; this is the time to show off what we've come up with. This might not be the final draft, but we should have a good idea by now of what our main direction is, and be ready for the elevator pitch should we get that opportunity.

The month's highlights would not be complete without mentioning two more planets joining the Retrograde Parade: Saturn begins its retrograde journey on the 17th and is joined by Neptune on the 30th. Taskmaster Saturn has been working on bringing form to the formless in Pisces, which Neptune presides over. When these two planets go retrograde, logic will become fuzzy and the form will soften up a bit. With Pluto already retrograde, be alert for "nightmare visions" wanting to rise to the surface and add to the tension.

Remember: just because we might be able to conceive of the worst case scenario doesn't mean it will come to pass. Follow Venus' lead in reconnecting with our communities, and we will continue to move forward together. 

PS - all this can be tied together with this month's intutive reading, which I have also posted on YouTube. How's that for a well-rounded download? :)