
Aries Harvest Moon: Measure Twice, Cut Once

Personal Note: I had planned to post about both the New Moon in Virgo and the Autumn Equinox in a more timely fashion, but one of the Omicron Covid variants came calling IRL; it took both "Himself" (my husband) and myself down this time around. This is something of a hybrid post.

The full moon in September is known as the Harvest Moon, as it reaches fullness during Autumn's Harvest Season. The moon reached fullness yesterday in Aries, the same sign that started our Passion Project year with a bang six months ago (with the new moon). Take a moment to consider: what have you harvested/are harvesting from those seeds that you planted in March? For the peeps south of the Equator: what seeds did you save from the harvest six months ago that you're ready to plant now?

Back in the global North, we are in the heart of Harvest Season, having crossed the line of the Equinox last week into the time of shorter days and longer nights. The Equinox also brought us to Mabon, the "Pagan Thanksgiving," as the largest Harvest festival is celebrated traditionally at this time. The name Mabon is a fairly recent invention, as it came about in the unofficial codification of the Wheel of the Year with the inital expansion of Wicca in the 1960s and 1970s. Mabon himself is a demigod figure from Wales and the UK. He was featured in the Arthurian stories of antiquity.

Discernment is the keyword in this moment. We found Divinity in the Details with the New Moon in Virgo, and (ideally) we received our share of Plenty over the Equinox. Aries' Harvest Moon is lighting our way forward, and Mars in Libra steps into the spotlight, suggesting a bold, perhaps even disruptive, direction to proceed in. In Libra, Mars can be seen as the Activist, striving to do the most good for the most people.

Amidst the ten thousand details of life, as we consider the bounty we have brought in, what parts of our bounty can we share with others, to ensure everyone can partake of the Harvest? What do we want to keep as we move into the growing darkness of the year? What is ready to be pruned back, its usefulness come to an end? Is there anything that never really took root that can be offered to the Sacred Compost heap? Consider everything carefully before choosing.

There is still work to be done before the coming of Winter, so now is the time to make hay while the sun still shines. We have some interesting plot twists coming up in October, especially with Pluto stationing direct, a pair of eclipses, and the conclusion of the Harvest Season at Samhain, which is almost always a deep and poignant time. I will be back in a few days with the Intuitive Reading for the month ahead (once I get some personal appointments out of the way), so until next time, stay cozy my friends... :-)