
Turning It Up to *Eleven*

A word from our Creatrix: 
Hello again. I have been busy dealing with Life on Life's Terms for a while now: a second wave of Long Covid, the death of a good friend, and other personal shenanigans. I will be posting the deets on my personal Substack blog shortly; in the meantime, I intend to get back in the metaphysical saddle here. Please enjoy this post.

The first harvest of this Harvest Season is coming in hot and heavy, with the planets weaving patterns that promise some intensity over these next two weeks, to go along with everything else that has unfolded thus far: Jupiter x Uranus in April! Jupiter entered Gemini in May! We had an astrological Blue Moon in Capricorn in July! We've witnessed the stoking of the Dragon's Fire throughout the Summer, and shall we mention our frenemy Mercury Retrograde, which helped kick off this month? 

Let us break down the upcoming movements into easier to digest pieces...

First: Mars (in Gemini) is going to get a boost in energy in a favorable meeting with Jupiter (also in Gemini) on the 14th; then it will have an "Irresistable Force vs Immovable Object" moment when it has a less than favorable meeting with Saturn (in Pisces) on the 15th. As the Sun is in Leo, and Mercury will be sliding backwards into Leo (also on the 14th), expect the blowhards among us to bloviate at high volume, especially this week and next week. Now is our time to go into Observation Mode: watching, listening, noting, but not initiating any new plans just yet. We measure twice before we cut once.

Moving to the 18th: Mercury (the Communicator) and Uranus (the Disruptor) promise to spark outrageous words that will be flung around the internet, just before Venus follows Mars' lead in meeting with Jupiter and Saturn consecutively. Here, we are well served to double down on those things that help spark Joy in our lives, and take everything we hear with at least a grain of salt, if not an entire salt block.

The 19th gives Uranus the spotlight in the Sun, along with a Full Moon in Aquarius. Our dreams will be wild, showing us grand visions of Utopia and Dystopia, perhaps alternating through the night. Jupiter and Saturn themselves face off on this day as well: wild and free energy clashing with well defined boundaries. Friction, much? This will be a great day for Airplane Mode, on our phones and in our lives.

Venus and Mars will engage in a "Lover's Spat" on the 22nd, but the sun will be entering Virgo that day as well. Look for cooler heads to start prevailing at last as we gather up all of the puzzle pieces dropped into our laps over the past few weeks and start putting them together. 

Our time of respite will only last through the rest of this month, though, because Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn at the start of September and bring us our "Pop Quiz." Between September and November, the direction we choose to go in, especially in the United States, will determine the degree of difficulty we will be moving through in the next critical year. 2025 is going to be Significant. More will be revealed in due time...