
Return to the Wetware (new moon in Pisces)

Greetings to everyone! This cosmic channel is coming back online, and not a moment too soon!

This has been a few months in the making. Much is swirling about between Earth and the Stars. More, we are roughly a year away from the next Pivot Years (2024-2025, the Dragon and Snake years, respectively), and this is shaping up to be, if not THE key moment in humanity's jourrney, one of the Big Key Moments. The call of All Hands on Deck is going out, and I finally find myself in a position to answer the call.

If you're new to this space, welcome. :) While this might look like Yet Another Blog/Missive about the metaphysical state of affairs, I'll tell you why mine is different: I see details in the unfolding events that others either miss or ignore. I put together the puzzle pieces and come up with a slightly diferent picture than others present. Sit and sample, and if this is your cup of tea, stick around. If not, totally no worries, and I wish you well upon your journey.

If you're a returning friend, what took me so long to get off my arse and start posting again can be summed up thusly: my husband's cancer diagnosis in 2016, followed by caregiving for my Alzheimer's stricken mother from 2017-2021. Then "Omicron Prime" paid me a visit January 2022, and I've been dealing with Long Covid ever since.  (Side note: with rare exceptions, this is probably as personal as I'll get in this space.)

My goal at the moment is to post roughly once a week or so, subject to how cranky my brain gets on any given day. I will be posting again tomorrow, because we have reached the New Moon in Pisces, (as highlighted above), and I have a little something to say about that. Until then, Plant Your Seeds!

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